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The information provided on this website is considered public information (unless otherwise notified) and may be distributed or copied, and we strongly recommend obtaining private data in the Social Security Fund for Kuwait University employees directly from the “server” of the Social Security Fund For employees of Kuwait University and not through other sources that may change the data in one way or another. While the Social Security Fund for Kuwait University employees makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information and various data such as names, phone numbers and email addresses, they may change before the update. The Social Security Fund for Kuwait University employees also welcomes receiving any suggestions on how to improve its home page and website. Internet and debugging. The Kuwait University Employees Social Security Fund makes no express or implied warranty about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information provided. Certain documents on this server may contain live references (links to other websites or pointers) to information developed and maintained by third parties. Please note that the Kuwait University Employees Social Security Fund has no control and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this external information or validity or reliability. For the purposes of securing the site and to ensure the availability of this service to all users, the Kuwait University Employees Social Security Fund uses a set of software to monitor movements on the network to identify attempts to enter or change unauthorized information or otherwise cause harm. Unauthorized attempts to add or change information on this site are strictly prohibited and punishable according to the laws of the State of Kuwait. The information may also be used for investigative work authorized by law. The latest amendment/update of the privacy policy was on 10/16/2022

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