Mission & Values

Mission & Values

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. “وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى” the meaning of this portion from holly Quran is cooperate in righteousness and piety" And With those kind words, we summarize the mission and vision of the Social Security Fund. Cooperation is the basis of life, and it is also a necessary requirement among all members for their benefit and a guarantee for them after God Almighty, their families and the families of their colleagues. The fund was created to bear burdens and responsibilities that exceed the ability of the individual to bear alone, which called for organizing and accumulating small portions of the monthly income of a large number of members so that the fund could perform its benevolent mission

Our Vision


We believe that prestige and good reputation are essential to the success of our business. So, we adhere to work ethics and consider the requirements of honesty and integrity in our work.


We understand the needs of our members and meet if, we do our utmost by focusing on the quality element in our work and services, we take the initiative to make more effort to achieve excellence in service provision.


We always strive to educate and support new and useful ideas, benefiting from our experiences and the experiences of others, and we welcome the positive change that results from creativity and ambition for the development of our business.

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