
SOCIAL SECURITY FUND is a white facade for Kuwait University

The civilized role played by the Social security Fund to serve the employees of Kuwait University has become a humanitarian and social model to achieve its mission towards solidarity and social synergy, The strength and stability of the Social security Fund lies in the value of the idea and the superiority of the message, which enabled it to have a greater margin for development. The humanitarian project for which the fund was established has grown to a great degree, so it was natural to look forward to presenting a new idea that keeps pace with the member's evolving needs and does not stop at the limit of facing cases of death and health disability, as the social care provided by the Social securityfund extended to the member's life and stay on top of his work. To maintain the continuity of the appropriate social level for the member and his family, and this is confirmed by the figures and the achievements made by the Social security Fund 's management in this aspect.

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Honesty is one of the basic values that we rely on in order to deal with our members and our university environment. The information on our website provides a clear vision about the Social security Fund’s mission and services, in addition to the numbers and facts related to the Social security Fund’s existing and future projects and its financial performance. Today, as we are in the fifth decade of our career, we are confident that the experience that refined our experience and the projects and services we launched makes us an essential partner in our university community in which we working in and for. We have learned that in order to continue achieving long-term success, we must not only build for the present, but build a solid and sustainable building that can stand the test of time and the challenges it brings... The credit for achieving and building our achievements goes to many success partners: the university administrations, the boards of directors of the Social security Fund, our valued members, our employees... We thank all of them and look forward to more support to continue our success path together...

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Financial Aid for Death and Disability



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